Sherlock Holmes was transformed when he was hot upon such a scentas this. Men who had only known the quiet thinker and logician ofBaker Street would h...
"I am ashamed of you, Holmes," said Lestrade with dignity after afew minutes' silence. "Why should you raise up hopes which youare ...
It was nearly four o'clock when we at last, after passing throughthe beautiful Stroud Valley, and over the broad gleaming Severn,found ourselves a...
"What is the young man's own account of the matter?""It is, I am afraid, not very encouraging to his supporters,though there are on...
We were seated at breakfast one morning, my wife and I, when themaid brought in a telegram. It was from Sherlock Holmes and ranin this way:Have you a ...
I left him then, still puffing at his black clay pipe, with theconviction that when I came again on the next evening I wouldfind that he held in his h...
"Well, she had a slate-colored, broad-brimmed straw hat, with afeather of a brickish red. Her jacket was black, with black beadssewn upon it, and...
A flush stole over Miss Sutherland's face, and she pickednervously at the fringe of her jacket. "I met him first at thegasfitters' ball,&...
"My dear fellow," said Sherlock Holmes as we sat on either sideof the fire in his lodgings at Baker Street, "life is infinitelystranger...
"You see, Watson," he explained in the early hours of the morningas we sat over a glass of whisky and soda in Baker Street, "itwas perf...