'Upon my word, I feel as if I lived in a powder-magazine, and don't know which barrel will explode next, and send me flying,' said Mrs Jo ...
It was curious to see the change which came over Dan after that talk. A weight seemed off his mind; and though the old impetuous spirit flashed out at...
The summer days that followed were full of rest and pleasure for young and old, as they did the honours of Plumfield to their happy guests. While Fran...
While the travellers refreshed, and Mrs President struggled into her best gown, Josie ran into the garden to gather flowers for the brides. The sudden...
The clerk of the weather evidently has a regard for young people, and sends sunshine for class days as often as he can. An especially lovely one shone...
Although this story is about Jo's boys, her girls cannot be neglected, because they held a high place in this little republic, and especial care w...
Athletic sports were in high favour at Plumfield; and the river where the old punt used to wabble about with a cargo of small boys, or echo to the shr...
'My wife, I have bad news for thee,' said Professor Bhaer, coming in one day early in January.'Please tell it at once. I can't bear to...
As it is as impossible for the humble historian of the March family to write a story without theatricals in it as for our dear Miss Yonge to get on wi...
'I don't expect to hear from Emil yet, and Nat writes regularly, but where is Dan? Only two or three postals since he went. Such an energetic ...