Chapter 3The Man with the Gold ToothIt was a few days later, when we were sitting at breakfast, that Poirot flung across to me a letter that he had ju...
Chapter 2A Supper PartyAfter a moment’s astonishment Poirot recovered himself !‘But, Madame,’ he said, his eyes twinkling, ‘ge...
Chapter 1A Theatrical PartyThe memory of the public is short. Already the intense interest and excitement aroused by the murder of George Alfred St Vi...
Chapter 1 THE MAN WITH THE WHITE HAIRIt was close on midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde. In spite of the handsome fur coat which gar...
Chapter 2 M. LE MARQUISThe man with the white hair continued on his course unhurried, and seemingly indifferent to his surroundings. He took a side tu...
Chapter 3HEART OF FIRERufus Van Aldin passed through the revolving doors of the Savoy, and walked to the reception desk. The desk clerk smiled a respe...
Chapter 4IN CURZON STREETThe Hon Mrs Derek Kettering lived in Curzon Street. The butler who opened the door recognized Rufus Van Aldin at once and per...
Chapter 5A USEFUL GENTLEMANRufus Van Aldin had just finished the sparse breakfast of coffee and dry toast, which was all he ever allowed himself when ...
Chapter 6 MIRELLEDerek Kettering emerged from Van Aldin's suite so precipitantly that he collided with a lady passing across the corridor. He apol...
Chapter 7 LETTERS"Mrs Samuel Harfield presents her compliments to Miss Katherine Grey and wishes to point out that under the circumstances Miss G...