

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 4

    "IT'S so wainy, I can't go out, and evwybody is so cwoss they won't play with me," said Maud, when Polly found her fretting on t...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 1

    "IT'S time to go to the station, Tom.""Come on, then.""Oh, I'm not going; it's too wet. Should n't have a cri...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 3

    POLLY soon found that she was in a new world, a world where the manners and customs were so different from the simple ways at home, that she felt like...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 2

    "I'M going to school this morning; so come up and get ready," said Fanny, a day or two after, as she left the late breakfast-table."...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Preface

    AS a preface is the only place where an author can with propriety explain a purpose or apologize for shortcomings, I venture to avail myself of the pr...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 8

    "A Gentleman, my lady."Taking a card from the silver salver on which the servant offered it, Lady Trevlyn read, "Paul Talbot," and...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 7

    "Is Lady Trevlyn at home, Bedford?" asked Paul, as he presented himself at an early hour next day, wearing the keen, stern expression which ...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 6

    To no one but her mother and Hester did Lillian confide the discovery she had made. None of the former servants but old Bedford remained with them, an...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 5

    Four years had passed, and Lillian was fast blooming into a lovely woman: proud and willful as ever, but very charming, and already a belle in the lit...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 4

    He's a handsome lad, and one any woman might be proud to call her son," said Hester to Bedford, the stately butler, as they lingered at the h...

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