Jim Zetz, 62, from Murrieta, California, has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Knowing that he wouldn't be there for her wedding, the terminally ill fath...
爱思英语编者按:今天是五四青年节,是14至28周岁之间的青年的节日。青年节对于你来说意义是什么?是半天的法定假日,还是在今天惆怅地回想一下当年?老男孩说青春如同奔流的江河 一去不回来不及道别”,你还能过几个青年节?年轻的时候你会不会对那些前辈和过来人的语重心长不屑一顾?其实那些过来人的智...
1.Growth that Starts from Thinking 在思考中成长It seems to me a very difficult thing to put into words the beliefs we hold and what they make you do in your...
2.Roll Away the Stone 推开石头I enjoy life because I am endlessly interested in people and their growth. My interest leads me to widen my knowledge of peo...
3.Life in a Violin Case 情系小提琴In order to tell what I believe, I must briefly sketch something of my personal history.为了阐明我的信仰,我必须简单介绍一下我的经历。The turnin...
4. A Lesson Learned at Midnight 午夜的一课By James Q. DuPont 詹姆斯.Q.杜邦Ever since one midnight, in nineteen hundred and nine, when I first heard my mother cr...
爱思英语编者按:夏天已悄悄来临,如何将这短暂的美好日子过得健康、有趣又有意义呢,下面是一些不错的点子。Take Care of Yourself This Summer: 7 Simple TipsThen followed that beautiful season Summer Filled w...
Discovery in a Thunderstorm 雷雨中的醒悟Dr. Nelson Glueck 内尔松.格卢克博士Many years ago I was on a bicycle trip through some exceedingly picturesque countryside. ...
Revelations on a Bomb Run飞行轰炸途中的启示By Lloyd JordanOne day while piloting a bomber through the war skies of Europe, I came to believe in the immortality...
The Hidden World Around Us 我们周围隐秘的世界By Harry OverstreetEver since Socrates was introduced to my adolescent mind he has been one chief master of my thi...