

  • 孩子的心声:汤米的随笔

    A gray sweater hung limply on Tommy's empty desk, a reminder of the dejected boy who had just followed his classmates from our third-grade room. S...

  • 热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水

    Winston Churchill: "Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat", May 13, 1940 The leadership of Neville Chamberlain proved insufficient during the war, an...

  • 爱莫大焉-为朋友献出生命

    No Greater Loveby John W. Mansur I heard this story when I was in Vietnam, and it was told to me as fact. I have no way of knowing for sure that it is...

  • 与朋友分享美丽的熏衣草

    How to Grow LavenderGuess what plant is purple and smells wonderful. You are right! It is lavender, a small and beautiful flower. During my summer vac...

  • 从侍者到歌坛巨星

    Norah Jones: From Waitress to Superstar A young woman sits down at the piano. Her long flowing brown hair frames a friendly face. And then she begins ...

  • 有个女孩叫莉儿

    A Lady Named LillLillian was a young French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community of River Canard, Ontario. At the age of 16, her father ...

  • 善心可依--感念我的父亲

    A Good Heart to Lean onWhen I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely crippled and very short, and when we would ...

  • 演讲其实很简单

    Speaking easy  Speaking in public is most people's least favorite thing. The reason is that we're all afraid of making fools of ourselves. The...

  • 一篇真正出类拔萃的文章

    A Truly Outstanding Article  The trend in everyday conversation is to use grandiose words. "Outstanding" is new "good", "amaz...

  • 理解才有爱 忠诚一生伴

    Of Dogs and MenChester was my window on the mysterious bond between canines and humans. The way I see it dogs had this big meeting. Oh maybe 20,000 ye...

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