

  • Going Back To Basics

    LIKE many other seniors, Wang Ying, at Wuhan University, has been busy preparing for the postgraduate entrance exams since the new semester began. But...

  • Many Lifetimes Ago

    Many lifetimes agoWe raced through the universeLike two shooting starsWithout a homeNever burning outNever growing oldOur love was strong.We invented ...

  • We Never Told Him He Couldn't Do It

    My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk normally - but would never run very well. The...

  • When we two parted

    George Gordon ByronWhen we two partedIn silence and tears,Half broken-heartedTo sever for years,Pale grew thy cheek and cold,Colder thy kiss;Truly tha...

  • Give us 15 Minutes A Day

    Your boss has a bigger vocabulary than you have.That's one good reason why he's your boss.This discovery has been made in the word laboratorie...

  • A Walk in the Woods 林中漫步

    I was puzzled! Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse which was of no use to anybody? She had written letters to the local paper...

  • 英语美文赏析 布什的伊拉克战争檄文

    My fellow citizens, at this hour American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and t...

  • 英语美文赏析 埃及艳后克莉奥帕卓传奇故事

    这是一位历史上最享盛名的神秘女子:她广播的艳名,她与恺撒、安东尼的两段恋情,她的丰功伟业与远大的政治报负,还有她结束于蛇吻的传奇一生。究竟埃及艳后的真面目如何?她不朽于世的奥秘在哪里? Three centuries later, shortly before the birth of Christ...

  • 英语美文赏析 温斯顿 丘吉尔的演讲

    “BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS“ (温斯顿 丘吉尔的演讲)Winston Churchill (May 13, 1940 ) On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new ad...

  • 英语美文赏析 在七十寿辰宴会上的讲话

    ON HIS SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAYGeorge Bernard Shaw July 26, 1926乔治 萧伯纳Of late years the public have been trying to tackle me in every way they possibly can...

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