研究人员称,人体中的一种肠道细菌可以降解吸烟者肠道内积累的尼古丁,这对预防和治疗吸烟相关肝脏疾病具有潜在应用价值。A study by Chinese scientists and their US counterparts has identified a type of bacteria in ...
1.Blueberries蓝莓Add a few handfuls of berries to a salad or your morning smoothie for a big brain boost. Recent research found that as little as 2.5 cu...
几个世纪以来,人类一直试图控制天气。比如,人们认为人工降雨可以带来好处。The weather affects all of us. An unexpected downpour or hot spell can be annoying, but when conditions are more e...
你喜欢学习吗?虽然有些人爱学习,但也有不少人觉得学习枯燥无味。研究表明,如果你觉得一个概念太难或太无聊,学起来也就会更困难。但是,我们生来就会学习,所以好好利用这个天生的能力吧!Are you the kind of person who hated school? Or are you more ...
几个世纪以来,冰淇淋是所有年龄段的人都喜欢的美食。如今,我们吃的冰淇淋比以往任何时候都多,这是为什么呢?需求如何影响冰淇淋的生产和消费?Is there anything nicer than a cooling ice cream on a hot summer's day? This t...
科学家说,一种胶带皮肤测试可以帮助预测婴儿是否有可能患上严重的湿疹。哥本哈根大学的研究小组 用胶带通过 无痛 的方法,在 一组两个月大的婴儿身上 采集了皮肤细胞样本 并 进行了分析 。Eczema affects around one in five babies and children in t...
研究人员表示,每晚至少睡五小时可能会降低五十岁以上人群患多种慢性病的几率。他们说,健康状况不佳会影响睡眠,但睡眠不好本身也可能是疾病的预警或威胁健康的风险。Experts generally recommend we all get around seven or eight hours' ...
在伊塞尔·内纳年近三十岁时,她被诊断出患有皮肤癌。从小到大,伊塞尔从未使用过防晒霜,现在她正在和英国癌症研究基金会(Cancer Research UK)合作,警告他人不要犯同样的错误。There's a common misconception that having dar...
科学家表示,他们已经确定了尿液细菌与恶性前列腺肿瘤之间的关联。专家希望,这一研究成果可能为发现甚至预防危险的前列腺肿瘤提供新的方法。Bacterial infection is known to play a part in the development of some other cancers...
网上经常流传一个说法:每天喝8杯水(约2升)有利于身体健康,这真的科学吗?A famous health tip says you'd better drink eight glasses of water (about two liters) a day. However, the res...