1. Trained African giant pouched rats have found thousands of unexploded landmines and bombs. Researchers have also trained these rats to detect tuber...
飞机黑匣子是电子飞行记录仪(flight recorder)的俗称,是判断飞行事故原因最重要及最直接的证据。按照国际惯例它一般被装置在橘红色盒子内,在外观上涂有飞行记录器,请勿开启("Flight recorder do not open")”的字样。黑匣子只是一个代...
你可曾好奇过,为什么圆形的披萨要装在方形的纸板盒里呢?装在圆形的披萨盒里不是更严丝合缝吗?本文来为你揭晓答案。If you're like most people, you're too busy eating pizza to stop and consider the logis...
你最珍视的一段童年记忆是什么?一些研究的结果可能会让你感到惊讶:人们早期的记忆不一定准确。这究竟是为什么?What's the first thing you remember doing? It could be playing with your friends at school, o...
This is just some of the food waste produced from the Clipper Cafe in Shaldon [in the UK].这只是英国沙尔顿的 飞剪船” 咖啡馆产生的食物垃圾中的一些。It was sent away for pro...
野生河马是吵闹的动物,叫声可以传到湖泊和河流另一边的远处。但到目前为止,这种动物发出的一种响亮叫声有何确切的作用仍是一个谜。不过,科学家现在有了一个有趣的发现。Hippos are noisy creatures making squeals, grunts, bellows and honks. ...
Your eyes pick up color using a type of cell called cones in your retina. The same is true for dogs, though our cones aren't exactly the same.人类的眼...
Dogs are especially good at sensing movement. "The increased number of rods in the dog's retina also increases their ability to detect motion...
继上个月荷兰科学家率先在人类血液中检测到微塑料后,英国科学家日前也首次在活人肺部深处发现微塑料。微塑料居然能进入人类肺部深处且颗粒如此之大,令科学家震惊不已。Microplastic pollution has been discovered lodged deep in the lungs of ...
对忙碌的上班族来说,中午抽点时间打个盹简直是一种奢侈的享受。小憩一下既能缓解由于夜晚睡眠不足而导致的精神不佳,又可给大脑充电,让接下来的工作更加有效率。适时小憩还可以降低患心脏病和中风风险、帮助保持身材等,这些理由还不够让你打个盹吗?Naps can charge your brain's ...