The Monster In Loch NessieMore than one slippery creature is said to be living in Loch Nessie. In any case, people have reported seeing a humped "...
Toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite found in the guts of cats; it sheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals that are eaten by cats. T...
How Much Water Do You Really Need?If you're confused about how much water you really need, I'm not surprised. Conflicting advice in recent hea...
A Happy Marriage Can Help Mend Physical WoundsA happy marriage apparently is good medicine, but hostile spouses may be harmful to one another's he...
A drug prescribed to pregnant women to reduce the risk of early labor could be doing patients more harm than good, a British charity said on Friday. T...
Fizzy drinks, the scourge of healthy diet campaigners, can improve your memory, according to experts today. Consuming the equivalent of two cans of so...
Twenty-five volunteers aged between 18 and 52 years old took part in the study and were asked to remember a list of words. Those that drank orange-fla...
Thinking of buying a TV for the bedroom? Think again -- it could ruin your sex life. A study by an Italian sexologist has found that couples who have ...
6、消化口香糖需要7年时间 或许,我们的肠胃消化口香糖会比消化有机食物稍困难一些。但实际上,口香糖并不会从我们的消化系统那里得到什么特殊的待遇。医生们认为,上述这种不正确的说法之所以会出现,可能是因为人们为了不让孩子们将这种橡胶性物质吞咽到肚子里,所想出来的办法。 It takes seven ye...
1、地球自转致使南半球水流旋涡呈逆时针旋转 抽水马桶冲水时,水流会产生一个旋涡流下排水空。有理论称,在北半球,水流旋涡是朝顺时针方向的;而在南半球,则是逆时针旋转的。而之所以出现这种现象,是由于地球自转的缘故。其实,地球自转的作用很微弱,因此难以影响水流动的方向。你可以在一些盥洗室中轻易地验证这一点...