A Hare was very popular with the other beasts who all claimedto be her friends. But one day she heard the hounds approachingand hoped to escape them b...
A HART, hard pressed in the chase, hid himself beneath the largeleaves of a Vine. The huntsmen, in their haste, overshot theplace of his concealment. ...
The Hart was once drinking from a pool and admiring the noblefigure he made there. "Ah," said he, "where can you see suchnoble horns as...
A Hart hotly pursued by the hounds fled for refuge into anox-stall, and buried itself in a truss of hay, leaving nothing tobe seen but the tips of his...
A NIGHTINGALE, sitting aloft upon an oak and singing according tohis wont, was seen by a Hawk who, being in need of food, swoopeddown and seized him. ...
A HEIFER saw an Ox hard at work harnessed to a plow, andtormented him with reflections on his unhappy fate in beingcompelled to labor. Shortly afterwa...
THE PIGEONS, terrified by the appearance of a Kite, called uponthe Hawk to defend them. He at once consented. When they hadadmitted him into the cote,...
A COTTAGER and his wife had a Hen that laid a golden egg everyday. They supposed that the Hen must contain a great lump ofgold in its inside, and in o...
A CARTER was driving a wagon along a country lane, when thewheels sank down deep into a rut. The rustic driver, stupefiedand aghast, stood looking at ...
A Waggoner was once driving a heavy load along a very muddyway. At last he came to a part of the road where the wheels sankhalf-way into the mire, and...