Long ago there lived a queen who was a beautiful as she was vain. This queen had a little daughter named Blaca Flor who was also very beautiful, and g...
Platypus plays tricksBefore the dawn of time, all the animals looked the same. Normally this was fine, but some of the cheekier animals likes to play ...
Long, long ago there lived a mouse in the forest. The mouse was fearful all day and all night, for the sly fox always tried to catch him and eat up hi...
Coyote was out walking one day when he saw an old woman hurrying towards him."Turn back! If you keep going that way the giant will get you" ...
A long long time ago most of the animals on earth looked very different from how they look now. Some were thinner, some were taller and some had more ...
Bear and foxWhat wasthe young'sname? THE big bear and the clever fox had once bought a firkin of butter together; they were to have it at Christma...
One day a mother rabbit was having a baby rabbit. The other rabbits were very fast and could jump very high. When the little rabbit was 4 months old, ...
The pancakeONCE ON a time there was a good housewife who had seven hungry children. One day she was busy frying pancakes for them, and this time she h...
Once upon a time when myths and legends lived. There were these flying horned horses called unicorns. Unicorns were very scared of people because peop...
One day Rabbit took his bow and arrow and went hunting. He left the house where he lived with his grandmother and hopped through the forest, happyto b...