This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. The Ans had two sons. The elder son An Dacheng married Chen Shanhu. Shanhu was a kind woman wi...
This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. Lady Fan was gentle and beautiful. One day, accompanied by an attendant on an outing to the Wa...
This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Strdio. As a child, Xiliu was smart and liked to read biographies of ancient sages. She decided to fol...
相传在两千年前,燕国寿陵地方有一位少年,不知道姓啥叫啥,就叫他寿陵少年吧! 这位寿陵少年不愁吃不愁穿,论长相也算得上中等人材,可他就是缺乏自信心,经常无缘无故地感到事事不如人,低人一等——衣服是人家的好,饭菜是人家的香,站相坐相也是人家高雅。他见什么学什么,学一样丢一样,虽然...
This is a story from the book Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. There was an old man with the surname Feng, he had a son named Xiangru. Xiangru studi...
Ares Son of Zeus and Hera,Ares was appointed god of war.Hewas terrible and majestic ,and his march shook the world.Of all the major gods at Olympus,he...
Eros(Cupid) Eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name Cupid.Son of Aphrodite by Ares ,he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.H...
The Flood Towards the end of the Age of Bronze the human world became very cruel.Men grew hungry,impolite and ungodly.Neither rightn or law was respec...
Palladium When Ilus had first built his new seat,the city of Troy, he prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it. His prayer was heard,and a woo...
The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, legendary ruler of primitive China, went boating on th...