Searra, an eight-year-old brain tumor patient, was a "regular" in the Radiation Oncology Department, much like the other patients who came t...
was beside myself with frustration and annoyance at the little foal, curled up in the corner of the small stable where she had been born two nights be...
My husband, Hanoch, and I wrote a book Acts of Kindness: How to Create a Kindness Revolution, which has generated much interest across America. This s...
It was October 31st and the scene inside my local Safeway was surreal. This store is just blocks from Humboldt State University, and this late afterno...
A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them the difference they each made. Using a process developed by ...
I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in our s...
With Father's Day coming up, it's occurred to me that this country is missing a holiday, Stepfather's Day.If anyone deserves a special day...
One of the requirements of every commencement speaker is that they offer some advice. Well, get ready, It here it comes.Soon you will be leaving the c...
"You won't forget to bring the potato masher, will you?" I said to my mother on the phone after telling her I had to have a mastectomy. ...
Grandfathers and 3-year-old boys are natural buddies. On this particular day in May, the grandfather was pleased to have the company of his best littl...