There were once three brothers who had fallen deeper and deeper into poverty, and at last their need was so great that they had to endure hunger, and ...
Once there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the King, and in order to make ...
There was once on a time a woman who was a real witch and had two daughters, one ugly and wicked, and this one she loved because she was her own daugh...
In the olden time there was a king, who had behind his palace a beautiful pleasure-garden in which there was a tree that bore golden apples. When the ...
There was once on a time a man who was called Frederick and a woman called Catherine, who had married each other and lived together as young married f...
In Puerto Rico many years ago near the Condado Lagoon, there lived a poor fisherman. He lived alone in a hut. His only companion was his dog.The fishe...
There was a certain village wherein no one lived but really rich peasants, and just one poor one, whom they called the little peasant. He had not even...
There was once an old castle in the midst of a large and thick forest, and in it an old woman who was a witch dwelt all alone. In the day-time she cha...
A father once called his three sons before him, and he gave to the first a cock, to the second a scythe(镰刀), and to the third a cat. "I am alread...
There was once a man who understood all kinds of arts; he served in war, and behaved well and bravely, but when the war was over he received his dismi...