Once upon a time...In a large forest, there lived an old woman and three maidens. They were all three beautiful, but the youngest was the fairest. The...
Absulum the Reindeer Elfworked in the reindeer barn.He had to clean it everydayand that was rather hardfor it was such a dirty jobto mop and slop and ...
Mr. Coyote was getting very old and had to be more careful for his own safety. He had been walking for hours and hours through a beautiful valley when...
Once upon a time in the nothingness long ago... there was a Wumpalump. "I am", thought the Wumpalump. I am love, I am joy, I am peace. Noth...
Wendy clutched her Slime Sisters comic book. She saved her allowance to buy all kinds of things that were in the back of the comic. She had bought tal...
Once upon a time long ago, even before the days of King Arthur, there lived a blacksmith only three feet tall. He was so short that he needed a stool ...
The loomploy population was divided into the able and the unable. The able could care for themselves in the darkness of the land. The cold did not fr...
Once upon a time...Once upon a time there was a King's son who was engaged to a Princess whom he dearly loved. One day as he sat by her side feeli...
Out behind the big red barn at the edge of the walnut grove is a most magnificent pond shaded by an old oak tree. I'll tell you right now, before ...
Once upon a time...There was once a poor man who could no longer afford to keep his only son at home. So the son said to him, 'Dear father, you ar...