

  • The Reform School Board

    THE members of the School Board in Doosnoswair being suspected of appointing female teachers for an improper consideration, the people elected a Board...

  • The Wooden Guns

    AN Artillery Regiment of a State Militia applied to the Governor for wooden guns to practise with. "Those," they explained, "will be ch...

  • A Hasty Settlement

    "YOUR Honour," said an Attorney, rising, "what is the present status of this case - as far as it has gone?" "I have given a j...

  • The Holy Deacon

    AN Itinerant Preacher who had wrought hard in the moral vineyard for several hours whispered to a Holy Deacon of the local church: "Brother, thes...

  • A Protagonist of Silver

    SOME Financiers who were whetting their tongues on their teeth because the Government had "struck down" silver, and were about to "inau...

  • The Ineffective Rooter

    A DRUNKEN Man was lying in the road with a bleeding nose, upon which he had fallen, when a Pig passed that way. “You wallow fairly well,“ said the Pig...

  • The Lassoed Bear

    A HUNTER who had lassoed a Bear was trying to disengage himself from the rope, but the slip-knot about his wrist would not yield, for the Bear was all...

  • The Man and the Lightning

    A MAN Running for Office was overtaken by Lightning. "You see," said the Lightning, as it crept past him inch by inch, "I can travel co...

  • A Call to Quit

    SEEING that his audiences were becoming smaller every Sunday, a Minister of the Gospel broke off in the midst of a sermon, descended the pulpit stairs...

  • The Discontented Malefactor

    A JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation....

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