

  • The Frogs and the Well

    Two Frogs lived together in a marsh. But one hot summer the marshdried up, and they left it to look for another place to live in: forfrogs like damp p...

  • The Frog and the Ox

    "Oh Father," said a little Frog to the big one sitting by theside of a pool, "I have seen such a terrible monster! It was asbig as a mo...

  • The Fox and the Woodcutter

    A FOX, running before the hounds, came across a Woodcutterfelling an oak and begged him to show him a safe hiding-place. The Woodcutter advised him to...

  • The Fox Without a Tail

    It happened that a Fox caught its tail in a trap, and instruggling to release himself lost all of it but the stump. Atfirst he was ashamed to show him...

  • The Fox and the Monkey

    A FOX and a Monkey were traveling together on the same road. Asthey journeyed, they passed through a cemetery full of monuments. "All these monum...

  • The Fox and the Mask

    A Fox had by some means got into the store-room of a theatre.Suddenly he observed a face glaring down on him and began to bevery frightened; but looki...

  • The Fox and the Lion

    A FOX saw a Lion confined in a cage, and standing near him,bitterly reviled him. The Lion said to the Fox, "It is not thouwho revilest me; but th...

  • The Fox and the Leopard

    THE FOX and the Leopard disputed which was the more beautiful ofthe two. The Leopard exhibited one by one the various spotswhich decorated his skin. B...

  • The Huntsman and the Fisherman

    A HUNTSMAN, returning with his dogs from the field, fell in bychance with a Fisherman who was bringing home a basket well ladenwith fish. The Huntsman...

  • The Hunter and the Woodman

    A HUNTER, not very bold, was searching for the tracks of a Lion. He asked a man felling oaks in the forest if he had seen anymarks of his footsteps or...

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