Britain's student prince shuns raucous revels (2001) (2001/09/28) The student prince, who has luckily inherit...
Churchill's Wartime Bunker to Open to Public (2001) Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's Cabinet War dinin...
Adventurer Fossett launches solo balloon trip (2001/08/08) US adventurer Steve Fossett on Sunday launched his balloon from the Western Aust...
Bin Laden was "a shy, courteous boy" - ex-teacher (2001) Osama bin Laden was a quiet and shy pupil, a British teacher who taught ...
Kenyan ecologist wins Nobel prize2004年诺贝尔和平奖在10月8日揭晓,肯尼亚环保主义者马塔伊因在可持续发展方面的贡献获此殊荣。马塔伊主要成就是领导了绿色带运动”,在非洲栽下3千万棵树,她也是首位获得和平奖的非洲妇女。 Wangar...
Reeve was real-life 'Superman'克里斯托弗·里夫——永远的超人”导读:据11日《娱乐在线》报道,美国著名电影《超人》的主演、好莱坞著名影星克里斯托夫-里夫于当地时间10月10日,因心力衰竭在纽约去世,享年5...
Craig Barrett AGE: 59 Intel 3-year return: 318% CEO since: 1998 At least life at the top hasn't been dull for Barrett, the 25-year Intel veteran w...
Yang Jiang and "We Three"钱钟书、杨绛夫妇在学界德高望重,《围城》、《洗澡》两部书更令他们声名远播。然而,人们对其家庭生活却不甚了解。1998年钱先生的逝世使文化界深感悲痛。但罕为人知的是他和杨先生唯一的女儿钱媛已于此前一年先他们而去。唯一的女儿、一生的伴...
Steven JobsApple Computer3-year return: 26%AGE: 42CEO since: 1997 史蒂文o乔伯斯APPLE电脑三年的投资回报率:26%年龄:42岁任职CEO起始时间:1997年 Here's a guy with enough savvy a...
Russell T. Lewis The New York Times3-year return: 130% Age: 51CEO since: 1997 Lewis made major strides last year toward reinventing the Times as a nat...