The flying Frenchman set to smash round the world recordThey are calling him the Bob Beamon of sailing. And just like Beamon, who astonished the world...
'Professor Popsicle' Proves Cold No BarrierDuring a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as "Profes...
Roberts' love affair with the publicActress Julia Roberts' win of her ninth People's Choice Award is a sign of the American public's r...
Book says Audrey Hepburn always sadFrom Princess Anne in "Roman Holiday" to Eliza Doolittle in "My Fair Lady," Audrey Hepburn seem...
Spacewoman Stuck in Orbit with Too Much Shrimp(2002)peggy whitsonPeggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday...
Historian Wants Napoleon DNA Test (2002)People watch the marble grave of French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, under the Invalides Dome in Paris, France ...
Powell Wows Diplomats With Song (2002)Colin Powell has a hard time letting go of work, even when he's forced to play - and sing.Since taking offic...
'Gentleman Bandit' Dies in Prison at 62 (2001/12/31)Italy's ``gentleman bandit,'' an affable anarchist who courteously robbed bank...
Kenyan ecologist wins Nobel prize2004年诺贝尔和平奖在10月8日揭晓,肯尼亚环保主义者马塔伊因在可持续发展方面的贡献获此殊荣。马塔伊主要成就是领导了绿色带运动”,在非洲栽下3千万棵树,她也是首位获得和平奖的非洲妇女。Wangari Maathai is...
Yang Jiang and "We Three"钱钟书、杨绛夫妇在学界德高望重,《围城》、《洗澡》两部书更令他们声名远播。然而,人们对其家庭生活却不甚了解。1998年钱先生的逝世使文化界深感悲痛。但罕为人知的是他和杨先生唯一的女儿钱媛已于此前一年先他们而去。唯一的女儿、一生的伴...