

  • The Weasel and the Mice

    A WEASEL, inactive from age and infirmities, was not able tocatch mice as he once did. He therefore rolled himself in flourand lay down in a dark corn...

  • The Widow and Her Little Maidens

    A WIDOW who was fond of cleaning had two little maidens to waiton her. She was in the habit of waking them early in themorning, at cockcrow. The maide...

  • The Widow and the Sheep

    A CERTAIN poor widow had one solitary Sheep. At shearing time,wishing to take his fleece and to avoid expense, she sheared himherself, but used the sh...

  • The Wild Ass and the Lion

    A WILD ASS and a Lion entered into an alliance so that they mightcapture the beasts of the forest with greater ease. The Lionagreed to assist the Wild...

  • The Wild Boar and the Fox

    A WILD BOAR stood under a tree and rubbed his tusks against thetrunk. A Fox passing by asked him why he thus sharpened histeeth when there was no dang...

  • The Wind and the Sun

    The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger.Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sunsaid: "I see a way to d...

  • The Wolf and the Fox

    AT ONE TIME a very large and strong Wolf was born among thewolves, who exceeded all his fellow-wolves in strength, size, andswiftness, so that they un...

  • The Wolf and the Goat

    A WOLF saw a Goat feeding at the summit of a steep precipice,where he had no chance of reaching her. He called to her andearnestly begged her to come ...

  • The Wolf and the Kid

    A Kid was perched up on the top of a house, and looking downsaw a Wolf passing under him. Immediately he began to revile andattack his enemy. "Mu...

  • The Wolf and the Horse

    A WOLF coming out of a field of oats met a Horse and thusaddressed him: "I would advise you to go into that field. It isfull of fine oats, which ...

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