A FOX caught in a trap escaped, but in so doing lost his tail. Thereafter, feeling his life a burden from the shame and ridiculeto which he was expose...
A FOX swimming across a rapid river was carried by the force ofthe current into a very deep ravine, where he lay for a long timevery much bruised, sic...
A Fox after crossing a river got its tail entangled in a bush,and could not move. A number of Mosquitoes seeing its plightsettled upon it and enjoyed ...
At one time the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms andseemed very good friends. So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner,and for a joke put nothin...
Hercules, once journeying along a narrow roadway, came across astrange-looking animal that reared its head and threatened him.Nothing daunted, the her...
A VERY POOR MAN, a Carpenter by trade, had a wooden image ofMercury, before which he made offerings day by day, and beggedthe idol to make him rich, b...
A JACKDAW, seeing some Doves in a cote abundantly provided withfood, painted himself white and joined them in order to sharetheir plentiful maintenanc...
THE LION wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints. "It istrue, O Jupiter!" he said, "that I am gigantic in strength,handsome in sha...
THE LION, the Fox and the Ass entered into an agreement to assisteach other in the chase. Having secured a large booty, the Lionon their return from t...
The Lion once gave out that he was sick unto death andsummoned the animals to come and hear his last Will and Testament.So the Goat came to the Lion...