
英语幽默小故事-She Is Left-handed

分类: 英语故事 

A married couple, both avid golfers, were discussing the future one night. "Honey," the wife said, "if I were to die and you were to remarry, would you two live in this house?"

"I suppose so-it's paid for."

"How about our car?" continued the woman. "Would the two of you keep that?"

"I suppose so-it's paid for.

"What about golf clubs? Would you let her use them too?"

"Heck, no," the husband blurted out. "She's left-handed.


(1) avid adj.热望的

(2) golfer n.打高尔夫球者

(3) It's paid for理所当然

(4) heck(俚语)地狱(用于感叹句中)

(5) blurt out脱口而出



① What were the married couple both keen on?

② What were they doing one night?

③ What would the man do if the woman were to die?

④ What would the man do with their house and car?

⑤ What does the last sentence of the passage imply?









① They were both keen on playing golf

② They were discussing their future.

③ He would remarry.

④ He would let his new wife live in the house and use the car .

⑤ The husband had a mistress already.

