
英语幽默小故事-A Bad Impression

分类: 英语故事 

My husband and I are both writers. During dinner conversations, we often tell our children about our working days. It wasn't clear how much they absorbed until one day I overheard my seven-year- old, Lucy, cry out in frustration at her five-year-old sister, Charlotte, "You, you... you editor!" Notes: (1) impression n.印象 (2) absorb v.吸收(知识等) (3) overhear v.偶然听到 (4) frustration n.挫折 Exercises: 根据短文判断下列句子正(T)、(F): ① The woman and her husband are both journalists. ② The parents try to educate their children during dinner. ③ Lucy is the youngest of the children. ④ Lucy had a quarrel with Charlotte. ⑤ To Lucy, "editor" means a bad person 94.坏印象 我丈夫和我都是作家。晚夕谈话中,我们经常给孩子们谈到我们的工作。没人清楚他们听懂了多少。直到有一天,我偶然听到七岁的女儿卢希烦恼地向她五岁的妹妹喊道:“你,你----你这个编辑!” 练习参考答案: ①F②T③F④T⑤T

