
英语幽默小故事-A Gentle Reminder

分类: 英语故事 
Having been married a long time, my husband sometimes needs a gentle reminder of a special occasion. On the morning of our 35th anniversary, we were sitting at the breakfast table when I hinted, "Honey, do you realize that we've been sitting in these same two seats for exactly 35 years?" Putting down the newspaper, he looked straight at me and said, "So, you want to switch seats?" Notes: (1) reminder n. 提醒 (2) anniversary n.周年纪念 (3) hint v.暗示 (4) switch v.改变 Exercises: 根据短文选择正确答案: ① How long had the couple been married? A. 33 years B. 34 years C. 35 years D. 36 years ② When did the wife try to hint to her husband? A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the afternoon D. in the evening ③ What was the husband doing when his wife hinted to him? A. He was reading the newspaper. B. He was sweeping the floor. , C. He was cooking. D. He was repairing the chairs. ④ The husband thought that his wife wanted to_____ . A. change the old chairs to new ones B. abandon the old chairs C. exchange each other's seat D. read his newspaper ⑤ The wife hinted to her husband that_____ . A. they should celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary B. they should change their old chairs to new ones C. they should exchange their seats D. they should buy another table 101.委婉提醒 婚后已久,我丈夫往往在一个特别事情上需要委婉的提醒。在我们结婚35周年纪念的早上,我们正坐在早餐桌旁,我暗示道:“亲爱的,你意识到我们在这两个相同的座位上已坐了整整35年了吗?” 他放下报纸,眼睛直直地望着我:“因此,你想交换座位吗?” 练习参考答案: ①C②A③A④C⑤A

