
双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第四章 Part 4

分类: 英语故事 

     Walter was going to speak, but his Uncle held up his hand.


      'Therefore, Wally therefore it is that I am anxious you should be early in the busy world, and on the world's track. I am only the ghost of this business its substance vanished long ago; and when I die, its ghost will be laid. As it is clearly no inheritance for you then, I have thought it best to use for your advantage, almost the only fragment of the old connexion that stands by me, through long habit. Some people suppose me to be wealthy. I wish for your sake they were right. But whatever I leave behind me, or whatever I can give you, you in such a House as Dombey's are in the road to use well and make the most of. Be diligent, try to like it, my dear boy, work for a steady independence, and be happy!'


      'I'll do everything I can, Uncle, to deserve your affection. Indeed I will,' said the boy, earnestly.


      'I know it,' said Solomon. 'I am sure of it,' and he applied himself to a second glass of the old Madeira, with increased relish. 'As to the Sea,' he pursued, 'that's well enough in fiction, Wally, but it won't do in fact: it won't do at all. It's natural enough that you should think about it, associating it with all these familiar things; but it won't do, it won't do.'


注释:advantage n. 优势;利益;有利条件 vi. 获利 vt. 有利于;使处于优势
1. We support the open trading system which is to the ultimate advantage of all.
2. It will be to our mutual advantage to work closely.

