

分类: 英语故事 


Take an online personality or strength/weakness test. This one from Dr. Martin Seligman is world-renowned. You have to register, but that's free。

Invest a little time in some daily journaling. Just let the pen roll as you envisage what your perfect day, then week, then year would look like. I don't mean the down-time (although there's plenty of people who've turned a passion for travel into a solid income)。

By this point you should be starting to get a little excited. Even the act of thinking about how cool it would be to actually love what you do should get the motivational juices flowing. But if you're still really not sure what you'd like to do - or perhaps you feel like there's so many things to choose from - then try this。

Find a clean piece of paper and a pen. Write down the numbers 1-10. Think back over past weeks, months, even years - which events/activities stand out as being joyous or exciting for you? If you can't think of anything, consider those events you reacted to in others with excitement, even jealousy. You might like to consider the following categories as a memory-jogger or just for ideas:

• Travel
• Creativity
• Social connection
• Helping others
• Making deals
• Re-selling goods
• Teaching

