
英语故事:我有两个领养妹妹 生活从此改变

分类: 英语故事 

英语故事:我有两个领养妹妹 生活从此改变

An only child, a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin, I wanted sisters more than anything. When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted me beyond measure: they chose to adopt.

It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia. They came with a great flourish of celebration, as friends and relatives visited us bearing gifts to welcome them. That evening our guests went home and we were left to ourselves. My sisters and I went to the bedroom we were to share; as we crawledsintosour beds, our parents came to each of us, tucking us in and saying goodnight.“Te amo,”they whispered to my new sisters in Spanish,“I love you.”

那是圣诞节期间,我的两个新妹妹,一个6岁,一个3岁,从哥伦比亚来到了我家。她们的到来带来了喜庆,亲朋好友带着礼物来我家欢迎她们。那天晚上客人们走后,剩下了我们自己,我和妹妹们走进我们共用的卧室;当我们爬上床时,父母进来了,为我们一一掖好被角并且道了晚安,“Te amo”,他们用西班牙语向我的新妹妹耳语道,“我爱你”。
From the beginning these newcomers were like my own flesh and blood; we played and bickered and learned just as if we had always been sisters. From the beginning we all were my parents' daughters equally, as they supervised and scolded and encouraged us.

Life seemed great. Beneath the surface, however, my parents were struggling with their own marital problems. As we girls were approaching our teen years, my parents uttered the fateful words,“We're getting a divorce.”


