

分类: 英语科普 

Ancient Man was not a hunter but the hunted, according to new research that suggests that human intelligence and social co-operation evolved to allow our ancestors to escape predators rather than to catch prey.

evolve:v. 进化predator:n. 肉食动物、掠夺者prey:n. 被掠食者

Studies of fossil teeth and bones from human species that lived millions of years ago indicate that meat did not play a significant part in diet, and that at least one in twenty met their end in a predator's jaws.

fossil:n. 化石

The findings support the idea that the communication skills and group living that are characteristic of modern Homo sapiens evolved as defensive measures against lions, hyenas, crocodiles and eagles.

Homo sapiens:智人(现代人的学名)hyena:n. 土狼、鬣狗

If the predation hypothesis is correct, it might explain why hominids of the genus Homo, such as Homo erectus, survived to give rise to modern humans while other relatives such as Paranthropus, that lived alongside for hundreds of thousands of years, died out.

hypothesis:n. 假设hominid:n. 原始人类

If Homo erectus and Paranthropus were threatened by the same predators, but the former's social skills made it even a little more likely to escape, the small difference would have become a great advantage over time. Predators would have taken more and more of the less evasive species, which would eventually have been driven extinct.

evasive:adj. 逃避的extinct:adj. 灭绝的

Research by Robert Sussman, of Washington University, St Louis, has identified that teeth belonging to an older species of hominid, Australopithecus afarensis, were poorly adapted for meat eating, suggesting that it was not a hunter. About 6 per cent of all A. afarensis bones, however, show tooth marks that are consistent with predation, indicating that this was a major cause of death.

"Fossil teeth weren't good for eating meat, so why would we hunt meat?" Dr. Sussman told the conference. Augustin Fuentes, of Notre Dame University, Indiana, said: "The bottom line is that predation is important for our evolution. Humanity evolved more by helping each other than by fighting with one another."






报道说,瑟斯曼博士对一种原始人类--阿法南猿(Australopithecus afarensis)的牙齿进行研究后,确认他们的牙齿并不适合吃肉。这说明,阿法南猿并非捕猎者。另外,有大约6%的阿法南猿的骨骼化石上都留有其它食肉动物的牙印,这说明当时受到其它动物的捕捉是导致他们死亡的一个主要原因.

