
科学家研究有新招 从火山样本推测火星文明

分类: 英语科普 

Scientists Seek Mars Clues in Chilean Volcano (2002)

Scientists hope that a remote lake on a dormant 科学家研究有新招 从火山样本推测火星文明Chilean volcano can provide clues to what life may have been like in a far more distant place -- the planet Mars.

A 10-member team placed special plates in the lake on Licancabur volcano, at an altitude of 20,000 feet,on Sunday to measure the effects of ultraviolet light on organisms living there.

The scientists, mostly from the United States, think learning how Licancabur organisms protect themselves may help researchers understand how life survived on early Earth and perhaps on early Mars as well.

The damaging effects of UV radiation intensify at altitude and the air is very thin. And the lake is covered with ice most of the year, as would have been bodies of water on Mars.

"If there was life on Mars 3.5 billion years ago, it could have used defense mechanisms similar to those used by the organisms at Licancabur volcano to survive," said team leader Nathalie Cabrol.

The group, which includes science researchers from NASA and the SETI Institute, planned to spend two days at the lake, but weather conditions forced them to give up some of their research, which included a planned dive into the frigid lake.

The mission also included geological experiments in the area around the volcano and testing a two-wheeled vehicle called "MARVIN," which may be used in future Mars missions.

One of the group members said the experiments, were "very promising" but sediment and water samples would have to be analyzed in a laboratory before conclusions could be drawn. Another expedition will recover the UV plates next year.









这个研究小组的成员主要来自美国国家宇航局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)和美国寻找地外智能生命研究所(Search for Exterritorial Intelligence Institute, 简称SETI)。他们原计划在湖边度过两天,但迫于天气原因不得不放弃了部分研究项目,其中一项计划还要潜入到刺骨的湖水中完成。



