

分类: 英语科普 

Researchers have created self-healing polymers聚合物,高分子 that could extend the lifetime of automotive oils. These polymers are suitable to add to lubricants润滑剂 and could maintain the physical properties of engine oils for longer, they claim helping engine efficiency. Biological materials, such as skin, self heal following damage giving inspiration for these new materials. Polymers are often added to automotive oils to control important physical properties such as viscosity粘性,粘度 but mechanical and thermal热的 stress can break the polymers decreasing the efficiency and how they affect the oils properties. The research team, led by Professor David Haddleton, of the University of Warwick have now designed a self-healing, star-shaped polymer for use as a viscosity modifier.

The methacrylate甲基丙烯酸酯 polymer has vulnerable有弱点的 long arms which be broken off if stressed reducing performance. The research team found they could add a particular chemical combination to the polymer's backbone which, almost like a starfish海星, which allow broken arms to reform via a "Diels Alder cycloaddition环加成作用 reaction" in a self healing reaction.

The research team now plan to 'optimise优化 the chemistry before passing it on to our industrial collaborators合作者, Lubrizol, for development in automotive lubricant润滑油 applications,' says Professor Haddleton.

