

分类: 英语科普 

McMaster University researchers have discovered a central controller or processing unit (CPU) of a superbug's weaponry(兵器,武器) . An article on the breakthrough appears in the high-impact journal Science today.

The team from the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research has revealed that a small chemical, made by the superbug(超级病菌) Staphylococcus aureus(金黄色酿脓葡萄球菌) and its drug-resistant forms, determines this disease's strength and ability to infect.

The bacteria is the cause for a wide range of difficult-to-treat human infectious diseases such as pneumonia(肺炎) , toxic-shock syndrome(综合症) and flesh-eating diseases. It has become known as the superbug as it has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics(抗生素) and especially troublesome(麻烦的,讨厌的) in hospitals.

The discovery will provide new options for fight back and disable the virulent(剧毒的,恶性的) bacteria.

"We've found that when these small chemicals in the bacteria are shut down, the bacteria is rendered non-functional and non-infectious," said Nathan Magarvey, principal investigator for the study and an assistant professor of biochemistry and biomedical sciences at McMaster. "We're now set on hacking into this pathogen(病原体,病菌) and making its system crash."

To identify these "pathogen small molecule CPUs", the researchers used cutting-edge chemical mining tools to reveal the molecular wiring associated with their formation. Then, to uncover its function, the McMaster scientists shut off its synthesis(综合,合成) , showing that the deadly pathogens had been tamed(驯服的) and unable to burst open red blood cells.

