
男子舍身救妻 丧命蜜月旅行

分类: 英语文摘 


 Teacher drowns saving wife on storm-hit honeymoon cruise

A schoolteacher died saving his wife’s life after their Egyptian sailing boat capsized in a storm.


Luke Day and his wife Sophie Nicholson-Cole, from Norwich, married in April and were enjoying the latest part of an extended honeymoon, sailing on the Nile, when their wooden felucca turned over in a sudden gust of wind near Aswan.


Mr Day, 31, opened a hatch on the boat to free Dr Nicholson-Cole, also 31, and two other tourists. He then became trapped beneath the upturned craft and drowned.


Dr Nicholson-Cole, a climate change expert at the University of East Anglia, spent three hours repeatedly diving into the murky water of the river to search for her husband. Onlookers said that she wept as his body was eventually recovered and brought to shore.


The couple had been home for Christmas but left for Egypt on New Year’s Day to resume a honeymoon that had begun with a tandem bicycle ride across Europe to Istanbul.


Felucca sailing boats are usually regarded as a calm and safe method of transport. The couple had booked a two-day cruise along the Nile, and were sleeping on the craft, which was due to set sail the following day.


According to Mr Nicholson-Cole, a storm had blown in from the desert at about 3am, capsizing the boat and trapping the couple and their companions.


Many onlookers, some of whom were locals who had lost their houses in the storm, helped to gather the couple’s belongings and handed them in to officials, according to Mr Nicholson-Cole.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/


Dr Nicholson-Cole sought assistance from two passing cruise ships, but was ignored. She was taken to a nearby hospital, which had no electricity. After being questioned by police, she flew back to England alone.


