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Susan Boyle has raised more fears over her fragile mental state after flying into a four-letter rage at her personal assistant in front of shocked onlookers.


The singer, who shot to fame on Britain's Got Talent last year, was waiting at the baggage carousel at Heathrow when she launched a verbal tirade at Joanne Crawford, who is also her niece.

苏珊大妈在希思罗机场的行李传送带前等候的时候,和自己的助理兼侄女Joanne Crawford吵了起来。

Fellow passengers watched as the pair began arguing in Terminal Three while waiting for a private jet to take 49-year-old Miss Boyle, known as SuBo, back home to Scotland.


When she was informed it had been delayed by two hours she lost her temper, screaming at Miss Crawford that she wanted to 'f****** get home'. She then called Miss Crawford 'a bitch'.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/


A friend of the star admitted the two women had exchanged 'angry words' but said the tantrum had come about only because the singer was 'tired and emotional' after a 13-hour flight from Tokyo where she had been performing.


Miss Crawford, 38, was hired in November to help the star with her hectic travel schedule. She is the daughter of Miss Boyle's sister Bridie.


It has been suggested that relations between Miss Boyle and Miss Crawford have been strained for months and staff on her private jet, hired at a cost of £5,000, were warned to expect a row between the women.


The singer's family are also said to be at war with her solicitor Kirsty Foy and accountant Ossie Kilkenny, with all parties failing to agree on how best to manage her career.


Both allegations were denied by her spokesman who said: 'Everyone gets on well with one another. There are no problems whatsoever.'


