

分类: 英语文摘 

爱思英语编者按:近日,英国媒体爆出威廉王子的结婚日程表。据悉,婚礼将选在2011年4月29日举行,该天也将成为英国的公共假期(bank holiday)。还想了解其他婚礼的细节吗?快来看看吧。


Prince William will marry 28-year-old Kate Middleton next year following a secret engagement during a holiday to Kenya last month. The pair began dating eight years ago while they both studied at St. Andrews University.

Royal courtiers were pondering how to tailor the royal wedding to the austere times.

The couple have told royal aides that they do not want the congregation to be made up entirely of "the great and the good" and will send invitations to people from all walks of life.

It is claimed that Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton will take place at Westminster Abbey, the church where Princess Diana's funeral was held, according to UK media reports.

Royal officials said that the couple chose the venue for its beauty, intimacy and historic royal connections.

Westminster Abbey has room for 2,000 people, but space can be made for up to 8,000 with the addition of temporary seating and galleries. Prince William's parents invited 3,500 people to their wedding at St Paul's Cathedral in 1981.

This will be the 15th royal wedding conducted during the 1,000-year history of the Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster.

It has also been confirmed by David Carmeron that the nation would be given an extra bank holiday to celebrate the marriage, which will be held on Friday, April 29.

"The wedding of Kate and William will be a happy and momentous occasion. We want to mark the day as one of national celebration, a public holiday will ensure the most people possible will have a chance to celebrate on the day," Cameron said in a statement.

According to The Telegraph reports, the wedding will cost the economy about 7.9 billion US dollars(about 5 billion pounds) by creating consecutive four-day weekends in April.

The wedding -- which according to one estimate will boost Britain`s economy by nearly $1 billion -- has been widely hailed as a welcome respite from budget cuts and belt-tightening.

相关词汇  更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

aide 副官、助手
austere 苦行的、紧缩的
belt-tightening 强制性节约(政策)
congregation 聚会
courtier 朝臣
gallery 旁听席
hail 热情地承认(某事物)
intimacy 亲密、隐私
momentous 重要的、重大的
ponder 沉思、考虑
respite 暂缓
tailor (调整)使适应(特定需要)


