

分类: 英语科普 

有些游客为寻求刺激,在火山爆发时前往山口附近观光,这一做法不仅危及他们自己的生命,还会妨碍紧急救援机构的正常工作。一份由英国皇家地理学会(Royal Geographical Society)发布的报告警告人们注意 “火山旅游业” 带来的安全隐患。

When a volcano erupts, the obvious thing to do might be to run in the opposite direction. But this report warns about thousands of people who rush from around the world to try to get as close as possible.


Amy Donovan, the Cambridge University geographer who has written the report, says that some people are unable to resist the elemental power of a volcano. They travelled to places such as Iceland for the thrill of being close to an eruption, often wanting to photograph themselves in these extreme settings.


But they dangerously underestimate the risks such as being injured by flying rocks, the threat of toxic gas or getting cut off by lava flows. It's also proving difficult for the emergency services, who are putting their own lives at risk to rescue these thrill-seeking travellers.


