

分类: 英语科普 

A race against time to reveal our ancient past.


The team from the Natural History Museum has just three days to excavate this unique site.


The Cotswold quarry holds a treasure trove of sea creatures that lived during the Jurassic period. What's here is so extraordinary, the location is being kept secret.


Tim Ewin, palaeontologist, London's Natural History Museum

We've got another really nice exceptional specimen here. It's actually a brittle star. It's likely to be a new species. It's the quality of preservation. It's the number of fossils that we're finding. But it's also the diversity – it's really unprecedented in geological sites of this age across the world.

蒂姆·埃文       伦敦自然历史博物馆古生物学家


This area was once covered by a shallow tropical sea – living there were animals like starfish, sea urchins, brittle stars and sea cucumbers. 


The site was discovered by local fossil hobbyists Nev and Sally. But at first, the quarry didn't look too promising. 


Sally Hollingworth, amateur fossil hunter

We were finding very small fragments of like plates of sea urchins. Just tiny, tiny fragments, though. Nothing really spectacular. When we got it home and cleaned it up, he was like ‘Oh my God, Sally, you've got to come and see this...' And there's this beautiful Jurassic sea creature coming to life.

萨莉·霍林沃斯       业余化石搜寻者

“我们发现了海胆化石板这样的小碎片。只是很小的碎片,没什么大不了的。但当我们把它带回家清理干净后,他说:‘天啊,萨莉,你得过来看看这个……' 然后这个美丽的侏罗纪海洋生物就重现了生机。”

With so many fossils here, the challenge is working out which ones to keep. The very best are now heading to the Natural History Museum. The team says it's the discovery of a lifetime.


