
Altars of Light

分类: 英语诗歌 
 by Pierre Joris

    If the light is the soul

    then soul is what's all around me.

    It is you,

    it is around you too,

    it is you.

    The darkness is inside me,

    the opaqueness of organs folded upon organs——

    to make light in the house of the body——

    thus to bring the outside in,

    the impossible job.

    And the only place to become the skin the border,

    the inbetween, where dark meets light,

    where I meets you.

    In the house of world the

    any darknesses are surrounded by light.

    To see the one, we need

    the other / it cuts both ways

    light on light is blind

    dark on dark is blind

    light through dark is not

    dark through light is movement

    dark through light becomes,

    is becoming,

    to move through light is becoming,

    is all we can know.

