
The Humble-Bee

分类: 英语诗歌 
BURLY dozing humble-bee

    Where thou art is clime for me.

    Let them sail for Porto Rique

    Far-off heats through seas to seek;

    I will follow thee alone

    Thou animated torrid-zone!

    Zigzag steerer desert cheerer

    Let me chase thy waving lines;

    Keep me nearer me thy hearer

    Singing over shrubs and vines.

    Insect lover of the sun

    Joy of thy dominion!

    Sailor of the atmosphere;

    Swimmer through the waves of air;

    Voyager of light and noon;

    Epicurean of June;

    Wait I prithee till I come

    Within earshot of thy hum —

    All without is martyrdom.

    When the south wind in May days

    With a net of shining haze

    Silvers the horizon wall

    And with softness touching all

    Tints the human countenance

    With a color of romance

    And infusing subtle heats

    Turns the sod to violets

    Thou in sunny solitudes

    Rover of the underwoods

    The green silence dost displace

    With thy mellow breezy bass.

    Hot midsummer's petted crone

    Sweet to me thy drowsy tone

    Tells of countless sunny hours

    Long days and solid banks of flowers;

    Of gulfs of sweetness without bound

    In Indian wildernesses found;

    Of Syrian peace immortal leisure

    Firmest cheer and bird-like pleasure.

    Aught unsavory or unclean

    Hath my insect never seen;

    But violets and bilberry bells

    Maple-sap and daffodels

    Grass with green flag half-mast high

    Succory to match the sky

    Columbine with horn of honey

    Scented fern and agrimony

    Clover catchfly adder's-tongue

    And brier-roses dwelt among;

    All beside was unknown waste

    All was picture as he passed.

    Wiser far than human seer

    blue-breeched philosopher!

    Seeing only what is fair

    Sipping only what is sweet

    Thou dost mock at fate and care

    Leave the chaff and take the wheat.

    When the fierce northwestern blast

    Cools sea and land so far and fast

    Thou already slumberest deep;

    Woe and want thou canst outsleep;

    Want and woe which torture us

    Thy sleep makes ridiculous.

