
Father Ryan's Poems (88)

分类: 英语诗歌 
Lines ["The world is sweet, and fair, and bright,"]

    The world is sweet, and fair, and bright, And joy aboundeth everywhere, The glorious stars crown every night, And thro' the dark of ev'ry care Above us shineth heaven's light.

    If from the cradle to the grave We reckon all our days and hours We sure will find they give and gave Much less of thorns and more of flowers; And tho' some tears must ever lave

    The path we tread, upon them all The light of smiles forever lies, As o'er the rains, from clouds that fall, The sun shines sweeter in the skies. Life holdeth more of sweet than gall

    For ev'ry one no matter who —— Or what their lot —— or high or low; All hearts have clouds —— but heaven's blue Wraps robes of bright around each woe; And this is truest of the true

    That joy is stronger here than grief, Fills more of life, far more of years, And makes the reign of sorrow brief; Gives more of smiles for less of tears. Joy is life's tree —— grief but its leaf. C.S.A. Do we weep for the heroes who died for us, Who living were true and tried for us, And dying sleep side by side for us; The Martyr-band That hallowed our land With the blood they shed in a tide for us?

    Ah! fearless on many a day for us They stood in front of the fray for us, And held the foeman at bay for us; And tears should fall Fore'er o'er all Who fell while wearing the gray for us.

    How many a glorious name for us, How many a story of fame for us They left Would it not be a blame for us If their memories part From our land and heart, And a wrong to them, and shame for us?

    No, no, no, they were brave for us, And bright were the lives they gave for us; The land they struggled to save for us Will not forget Its warriors yet Who sleep in so many a grave for us.

    On many and many a plain for us Their blood poured down all in vain for us, Red, rich, and pure, like a rain for us; They bleed —— we weep, We live —— they sleep, "All lost," the only refrain for us.

    But their memories e'er shall remain for us, And their names, bright names, without stain for us The glory they won shall not wane for us, In legend and lay Our heroes in Gray Shall forever live over again for us.

