
Father Ryan's Poems (61)

分类: 英语诗歌 
"Far Away"

    "Far Away!" what does it mean? A change of heart with a change of place? When footsteps pass from scene to scene, Fades soul from soul with face from face? Are hearts the slaves or lords of space?

    "Far Away!" what does it mean? Does distance sever there from here? Can leagues of land part hearts? —— I ween They cannot; for the trickling tear Says "Far Away" means "Far More Near".

    "Far Away!" —— the mournful miles Are but the mystery of space That blends our sighs, but parts our smiles, For love will find a meeting place When face is farthest off from face.

    "Far Away!" we meet in dreams, As 'round the altar of the night Far-parted stars send down their gleams To meet in one embrace of light And make the brow of darkness bright.

    "Far Away!" we meet in tears, That tell the path of weary feet; And all the good-byes of the years But make the wanderer's welcome sweet, The rains of parted clouds thus meet.

    "Far Away!" we meet in prayer, You know the temple and the shrine; Before it bows the brow of care, Upon it tapers dimly shine; 'Tis mercy's home, and yours and mine.

    "Far Away!" it falls between What is to-day and what has been; But ah! what is meet, what is not, In every hour and every spot, Where lips breathe on "I have forgot."

    "Far Away!" there is no far! Nor days nor distance e'er can bar My spirit from your spirits —— nay, Farewell may waft a face away, But still with you my heart will stay.

    "Far Away!" I sing its song, But while the music moves along, From out each word an echo clear Falls trembling on my spirit's ear, "Far Away" means "Far More Near".

