
夜来香 Night Jasmine

分类: 英语诗歌 

我为你歌唱I sing a song for you

夜来香Night Jasmine

我为你思量I become thoughtful for you

那南风吹来清凉The wind from south is cool

那夜莺啼声凄怆The crying of the nightingale is blue

月下的花儿都入梦All flowers fall into dreams

只有那夜来香Only the night jasmine,

吐露着芬芳with full fragrance,it comes

我爱这夜色茫茫I love this night and its color

也爱这夜莺歌唱and cherish the song of the nightingale

更爱那花一般的梦the flowerlike dreams have more of my love

拥抱着夜来香I hug the Night Jasmine

吻着夜来香I kiss the Night Jasmine

夜来香Night Jasmine

我为你歌唱I sing a song for you

夜来香Night Jasmine

我为你思量I become thoughtful for you


我为你歌唱我为你思量I sing a song for you,I become thoughtful for you

夜来香Night Jasmine

我为你歌唱I sing a song for you

夜来香Night Jasmine

我为你思量I become thoughtful for you


我为你歌唱我为你思量I sing a song for you,I become thoughtful for you

夜来香Night Jasmine

夜来香Night Jasmine

夜来香Night Jasmine

