

分类: 英语诗歌 

静静的村庄飘着白的雪Snow flows over a quiet village;

阴霾的天空下鸽子飞翔Doves fly across a gloomy sky.

白桦树刻着那两个名字Two names are carved deep on a birch;

他们发誓相爱用尽这一生They promised to stay in love all their life.

有一天战火烧到了家乡One day war broke out in their homeland.

小伙子拿起枪奔赴边疆The lad picked up a gun to go to the front.

心上人你不要为我担心“Don‘t worry for me,sweetheart.

等着我回来在那片白桦林Wait for me in the birch wood.“he said.

天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky.

谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命Who would prove those graveless love and lives?

雪依然在下那村庄依然安详Snow kept falling over the village,quiet as ever.

年轻的人们消逝在白桦林And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood.

噩耗声传来在那个午后The bad news came at the other afternoon.

心上人战死在远方沙场Her love laid down his life on the battlefield.

她默默来到那片白桦林Quietly she came to the birch wood,

望眼欲穿地每天守在那里waiting there each day on tiptoe.

她说他只是迷失在远方She said he‘d just lost his way in the land far away.

他一定会来来这片白桦林Surely he would come to the birch wood someday.

天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky

谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命Who would prove those graveless love and lives?

雪依然在下那村庄依然安详Snow kept falling over the village,quiet as ever.

年轻的人们消逝在白桦林And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood.

长长的路呀就要到尽头The long road is coming to its close.

那姑娘已经是白发苍苍Snow-white hair flew over the once young face.

她时常听他在枕边呼唤She often heard his whisper over her pillow,


“Come,sweetheart,come to the birch wood”

在死的时候她喃喃地说Over her deathbed she murmured,


“I am coming,wait for me in the birch wood.”

