
Old Black Joe老黑乔

分类: 英语诗歌 
 (1)Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay; 那些心头年轻、无忧无虑的日子已离我远去Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away; 我的伙伴也离开了棉花田Gone from the earth to a better land I know, 离开这里到一个更好的地方,我知道I hear their gentle voices calling, "Old Black Joe!" 我听见他们柔声呼唤(Refrain:) I'm coming, I'm coming, for my head is bending low; 「老黑乔!」(反复)I hear their gentle voices calling, 我来了,我来了,因为我的头渐渐低垂;"Old Black Joe!" 我听见他们柔声呼唤「老黑乔!」(2)Why do I weep when my heart should feel no pain? 我为何哭泣,我心并不悲伤?Why do I sigh that my friends come not again? 我为何要叹息伙伴不复来?Grieving for forms now departed long ago, 只为怀念早已逝去的人,I hear their gentle voices calling, 我听见他们柔声呼唤"Old Black Joe!"「老黑乔!」(3)Where are thee hearts once so happy and so free? 昔日快乐无羁的人们,如今安在?The children so dear that I held upon my knee? 还有,我抱在膝上可爱的小家伙?Gone to the shore where my soul has longed to go, 他们都已到了我灵魂所渴望去的海岸,I hear their gentle voices calling,我听见他们柔声呼唤"Old Black Joe!"「老黑乔!」~~~by Stephen C. Foster, 1826-1864

