
Jonathan, O Jonathan

分类: 英语诗歌 

 Jonathan, O Jonathan
Margaret Avison

                             The spokes of sun
                        have pronged and spun:
           a bowling barrow—paddle-wheel—or rein(缰绳,驾驭) 
                        held taut(拉紧的,整洁的) . Careening
                             early this morning
shod hooves flaked the loose tiles. Sky opened. Horning
                        farness flooded through.
                        The high-swivelling(旋转) blue,
the wet-clay cumulus(堆积) , and the rough fleur-de-lys
                        fringing it, ensource
                        an unroofed universe,
lettuce-cool largeness. The wrenched miles swing and course,
                             rivers of speed.
                             The oven-bread
of earth smokes rainbows. Blind stars and swallows parade
                        the windy sky of streets
                             and cheering beats
   down faintly(微弱地,模糊地) , to leaves in sticks, insects in pleats
                             and pouches(小袋) hidden
                        and micro-garden.
   At the kitchen-door of their forwardfold backslidden 
                   munching(用力咀嚼) wishes, men,
                        shouting and toppling
smokestacks(烟囱) like Saturday children, suddenly crane
                        for the still make-wish.
                   Where the roofs slope and flash
are hearts pungent(辛辣的,尖刻的) and herbal for the sungold wheels to crush.

