
The Chopsticks

分类: 英语故事 

Mrs Wen had two children, Janmes and William. The boys were always fighting, both at home and at school.

One day, they fought again at school. Their teacher called Mrs Wen and told her about the fighting.

"Oh, I have had enough!" said Mrs Wen after she put down the phone. "Why can't they help each other and stop fighting?"

When the boys came home that day, Mrs Wen took some chopsticks from the kitchen.

"Try and break these," she told them. Neither of them could break the chopsticks. Then she gave them one chopstick each.

"Now try and break it, "she said. They both broke the chopstick easily.

"You see," said Mrs Wen, "We are like the chopsticks. We are only strong when we help each other. "

After that, they never fought again.

