

分类: 英语美文 
At the Seaside 在海边            When I was down beside the sea      A wooden spade they gave to me      To dig the sandy shore.       My holes were empty like a cup      In every hole the sea came up      Till it could come no more       Little drops of water      Little grains of sand      Make the mighty ocean      And a pleasant land         当我在海边嬉戏        我用他们给我的木铲        挖那松软的沙地         我挖的小洞像是一个茶杯        从那里海水慢慢浮起        直到它去无可去        小小的水滴        小小的沙粒        汇集成无际的大海        和美丽的土地 Author: Robert Louis Steven 编译: 陈秀丽

