There are two types of people in this world. The first type is like foxes. The other type is like hedgehogs.
A fox knows many trivial things. And they can do a lot of stuff.
They are not among the top experts of any fields. But they know some things in almost every field.
They understand how complicated the world is and they integrate themselves with this complicated system deeply.
They often jump from one field into another and bring there some sparks of innovation.
On the other hand, a hedgehog knows only one important thing.
They tend to induct every complicated thing they encounter into the only system that they understand.
Because of this, they are usually only involved in a limited number of fields. But they usually know these fields very well.
This is just like the hedgehogs in the nature. No matter what situation they come to meet, the only solution they choose will be curling up into a ball.
This is not a clever choice but it really works in front of most dangers.
So, which one are you?
Are you a fox? Or are you a hedgehog?