

分类: 英语美文  时间: 2023-12-05 18:30:32 

What are some lifestyle changes that save money?


1. Cut back on hanging out with lavish friends who do lavish things you don't really enjoy.

If you love skiing, go. But you don't have to go to Aspen during Christmas week and stay at the St. Regis. Go off-peak, go for fewer days, and stay someplace cheaper - maybe with Starwood points.

Stay at a cheap motel.

2. Shop ethnic supermarkets.

Often much cheaper and you get to try exotic fruits and veggies, spices, etc.

3. Make cooking and eating at home a joy. Spend more here so you eat out less.

Eating at home is much cheaper than eating out. So do what you need to do to eat at home more often. Buy nicer silverware and plates. Buy marinated or precooked stuff to save time/hassle. Eat on paper plates or hire a housekeeper to do the dishes if you don't like clean up.

4. Eat out less often and at cheaper, tastier places.

Go for food, not ambience or service. Start with ethnic restaurants and diners.

5. Live in a much smaller and cheaper place.

Not just because it's cheaper. But because you'll be with your loved one(s) more and you'll accumulate less stuff. Don't accumulate a bunch of stuff.

