
BJ单身日记 2(精讲之五)

分类: 英美文化 

文化面面观 Bangkok and the Chao Phraya

考考你 检验你的身手


BJ单身日记 2(精讲之五)Bridget: I didn't play netball. Or go to a girl's school . Or have showers.

Cleever: Now that's just not true, is it? Let me start you off.

Bridget: No.

Cleever: Bridget, if you're gonna be dull, I'm going to plunge back into Mrs. Dalloway, and you know how she loves that. Dirty, dirty bitch.

Bridget: Arrived Bangkok, Very hot. Relieved at last to throw myself into serious journalistic work. Thailand has long called travelers from around the globe to take spiritual succour and karmic rest. For centuries, Western visitors have been inevitably drawn to some of Bangkok's oldest sanctuaries.

Cleever: So true. Even I, fight it as I may, am no exception. The moment I arrive here, I almost feel an irresistible pull... to this,the Temple of Tranquility. Indeed, nothing symbolizes Thailand's extraordinary fusion of East and West, of tradition and innovation, better than this. Fully body-to-body massage.

Bridget: An incredible thing about Thailand is the amazing traditional cuisine. I'm going to taste kapaluk, the ultimate delicacy. Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, my God. My God. Um... Er... Mmm.

Cleever: How about a lovely locust? They're delicious.

Bridget: I can't. No, no, I can't. 



Netball is a kind of sport played by two teams of seven players, usually women or girls, in which goals are obtained by throwing a ball through a net hanging from a ring at the top of a pole.

2. girl's school

在国外有很多私立学校都是男女分开的,也因此会有girl's school 这个词。指的就是女校。说到这,就不得不提到另外一个词,boy's school男子学校。在国外还有一种学校可能是大家不太熟知的,种族隔离学校segregated school。

3. throw... into...

全心全意地做某事,比如:“五一长假之后,大家要把心思都扑在工作上”就可以说:After the Labor's holiday, everyone's supposed to throw themselves into serious work.

4. fusion of

……的融合,统一。在电影中它的意思是泰国是一个东西方文化相融合的国家,也就是,泰国已经是一个有着东西方文化的国际化国家。我们也可以说美国也是一个融合化的国家,因为美国曾被为melting pot 大熔炉,不同种族的人民居住在一个国家,相互融合,最后也就有了美国。

